Highland Dance Associations
Ottawa Highland Dance Association www.ohda.ca
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highland Dance Assoc. (SD&GHDA) www.sdghda.ca
Montreal Highland Dance Assoc. (MHDA) www.mhda.ca
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highland Dance Assoc. (SD&GHDA) www.sdghda.ca
Montreal Highland Dance Assoc. (MHDA) www.mhda.ca
Dance Schools
Bytown Highland Dancers - www.bytownhighlanddance.ca/
Riddick School of Highland Dance - www.crhighlanddance.com/home.html
Andrea Goral School of Highland Dancing - http://andreagoralschoolofhighlanddancing.webs.com/
Riddick School of Highland Dance - www.crhighlanddance.com/home.html
Andrea Goral School of Highland Dancing - http://andreagoralschoolofhighlanddancing.webs.com/
Makers of Highland and National Outfits and Accessories in Canada
Seódra www.facebook.com/Seodras/
Atlantic Pewter www.atlanticpewter.net
Creative Designs www.creativedesigns2100.com
Tartantown www.tartantown.com
MacIsaac Kiltmakers www.mackilts.com
Highland In Style www.highlandinstyle.com
Heart of the Highlands www.heartofthehighlands.ca
Karen's Kilts www.karenskilts.com
Atlantic Pewter www.atlanticpewter.net
Creative Designs www.creativedesigns2100.com
Tartantown www.tartantown.com
MacIsaac Kiltmakers www.mackilts.com
Highland In Style www.highlandinstyle.com
Heart of the Highlands www.heartofthehighlands.ca
Karen's Kilts www.karenskilts.com